25 September 2023

Selamat Datang Semua Bot

 Terima kasih kerana berminat dengan blog saya.

Saya sangat menghargai, lebih, sepuluh ribu hits yang anda berikan pada halaman saya yang sederhana setiap hari.

Saya tidak tahu bahawa GURPS dan senjata api begitu popular di Singapura!


  1. Did Latka from TV comedy TAXI write that as a guest post ? The 1st word from above post is TAMALES spelled backwards (I fully approve of that message !!) but the rest is gibberish to me. Interesting language that, whatever it is.


    1. I get about 2 thousand legitimate hits here per day. Lately there's been about 10 thousand from Singapore, per day.

      I'm just welcoming them in Malay.

  2. Ahh - that was very accommodating of you. Viva Singapore !



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