07 September 2023

Lies Upon Lies

I've been reading other people commenting on Liberty Safe giving the FBI an access code to enter a suspect's gun-safe.

What makes this interesting is the numerous people who said that Liberty told them to call a locksmith to drill the safe when they forgot the combination they'd changed from the factory default.

Essentially, Liberty retained a combination to get into your safe they would not share with you or a locksmith.  But will share with law enforcement.

Most people are incensed by the cooperation with law enforcement.

What gets me is the existence of that code.  And Liberty telling customers that they needed to call a locksmith instead of giving them the code...

I'm guessing it's the same code for every lock they sell.

That sure compromises the security of your retail security cabinet, don't it?

Further reading tells me that Liberty is getting familiar with Jim Zumbo and Barbara Streisand.

This is because people are looking into what else Liberty gets up to and donating to Democrats appears to be something they do.

Good job!


  1. Glad my safes are another brand I guess... Not nearly as expensive or fancy as Liberty. But I guess maybe not sold out to Stalinist/Maoist forces like the Democrats and their jack booted thug lackeys at the FBI and BATFE.

  2. Donating to Democrats is just business protection. The DNC acts like a local 'neighborhood protection organization' and actively attacks, in all the ways government can through regulations, fees and taxes, any business that doesn't buy 'protection' by donating to the DNC.

    A better indicator would be to find out if leadership at Liberty actively participates as individuals with the DNC. Do they attend meetings or functions or fundraisers? That's a better indicator than just forking over protection.

    Though the now known backdoor to their vaunted electronic locks is... interesting, considering all the lies and untruths they told to their consumers. And they are now suddenly offering an 'opt-out' option where Liberty will lose their access to opting-out customers, though can you trust them now?

    What does all of this say to the consumer? "Don't buy fancy electronic locks on or for your gun safe. Only mechanical ones."

    If the Gov or Thieves want into your safe, unless it's made of unobtainium, they'll get in, one way or another. There's lots of vids of raids on pot dispensaries where both Gov agents and thieves use powered saws or torches to attack the sides, rear or top of said dispensaries' safes and get in pretty darned quickly.

  3. And after further reading on the subject, Liberty Safes was bought out by a conglomerate whose board is decidedly pro-democrats, so I withdraw my previous statement about 'normal operating procedures.'

  4. As an IT guy this is incredibly concerning. That it is now general public knowledge that most if not all electronic safes have backdoors that the manufacturer has in their local data storage? These industrial manufacturers who historically have had terrible information security track records? And what else has built in hard coded back doors like this? That does not even begin to cover the poor decision by Liberty to take a warrant that they were not a part of and just give the FBI access without the correct subpoena for that data... But then I live in IT, so these are the things that stand out to me...


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