21 September 2023

Read The Disclaimer

If your on-topic, non-offensive comment isn't getting posted and says, "this comment removed by a blog administrator," you forgot something.

Something that's in the sidebar.

Read the instructions.

It pains me to keep reminding people.

But just in case you're new here, I spell out my commenting policy over in the disclaimer.


  1. yep...forgot to sign mine a couple times and even though he probably knew it was me, because i type a bit strange, he removed them...so sign your post...panzer guy...


You are a guest here when you comment. This is my soapbox, not yours. Be polite. Inappropriate comments will be deleted without mention. Amnesty period is expired.

Do not go off on a tangent, stay with the topic of the post. If I can't tell what your point is in the first couple of sentences I'm flushing it.

If you're trying to comment anonymously: You can't. Log into your Google account.

If you can't comprehend this, don't comment; because I'm going to moderate and mock you for wasting your time.