06 September 2023

A Modest Proposal

I note that most (perhaps all) congresscreatures accumulate wealth far in excess of their salaries.

I'm not going to begrudge them their graft.

But it seems that the graft is sufficient to replace their salaries and extensive benefits.

So lets cut their salary and benefits and make them live on the graft.

Listen to me.

"Make them" like it's going to be a burden to go without...


  1. I’ve long used this as a metric to tell if a politician was corrupt or not. How can Obama afford the houses he has? Was he a multi millionaire when he became president?
    What I really hate about politics now is how they don’t try to hide it anymore.

    1. Obutthead's wealth came largely from "book sales". Book sales are a common method of money laundering for things like bribes to elected officials. Al Gore, and many others have used the same method. A lot of times "sales" are more than the actual number of books printed. Political operatives will stage "book buying" to pass money. A lot of times the surplus books that are actually printed but not wanted are "donated" to libtaries and charities. Of course those "donations" are tax writeoffs for the political interests. Electronic book sales have made this far easier since faux sales can be made using botnet automation.

      To be fair, it isn't just libtards who do this, but they are far and away the biggest practitioners.

      While the general public is clueless about this practice, everyone in politics knows about it.

      In Obama's case, he wasn't exactly poor when he was working as a "community aggitator" in Chicago prior to running for office the first time, but he was far from the $70 million net worth he is reported to have now. Almost all of that was amassed after he first took residence in the White House. And the President's salary and pension sure don't come anywhere near that. Around $500k a year for 8 years is around $4 million if he paid no taxes and spent nothing. And the pension is only around $250k a year for the last 7 years... less than 2 mill. So he somehow pulled in over $60 million. Given the royalties most authors get for books, that's a lot of payola.

  2. What was it that now deceased comedienne Jackie Mason used to say about how to make Congress more efficient ? "Put them on commission !"

    Agree with anon 20:42 - they aren't even trying to conceal their grift any more. Mainstream media hardly covers it unless it is against the Bad Party - then its wall to wall coverage.

    Maralago raid was NOT about finding classified documents. If launch codes haven't been changed at least 10 times since Trump left office, they are being lazy.. The raid purpose was finding the evidence that Trump may have had on them. Two kinds of Bad - 1) embarrassing vote or measures taken. 2) - Actual theft or bribes received for their vote that puts them in Gray Bar Motel. It is why they cannot afford to let Trump run - he might release that evidence on debate stage and kick them in the palapas on a live stage...



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