24 September 2023

Rumor Mongering

There's a rumor floating around that KE Arms, maker of the KP-15 monolithic polymer lower, has shrunk from about 50 people to around three to five.

I wonder if it's because of the rhetoric that Russel Fagen was tossing around.

You can read here that I'm good with LGBT folks and hardly a transphobe.  I get shit from the more conservative commenters about it too.

But if your sales director is out there saying shit that sure sounds like, "if you're not completely and totally fine with grooming kids to be trans, then fuck you we don't want your fucking business!"

Well, there's going to be some pushback and people will walk with their wallets. 

I'm with them about fucking with the kids.

If you figure you're trans once the secondary sexual characteristics start coming in, then we need to start analyzing what's going on.

And if it's genuine, then let's get the proper accommodations going.

But it's not near as widespread as so many people think it is.

In many ways, the sudden upswing is a lot like Celiac Disease.  No, you are not sensitive to gluten, and don't have Celiac's.

But the condition is in the media's mouth and lots of people are misinterpreting their "symptoms" and coming to the wrong conclusions.

Another issue is the apparent aligning with people who are threatening to murder anyone who doesn't toe their line about what, exactly, is a transsexual right.

I suspect I'd be on the death list because I'm insisting that we wait for puberty and then make sure it's one of the identifiable conditions before we start in with making changes we cannot reverse.

Yet, no problem with Erin...  Or Tacticool Girlfriend, for that matter.  They're grown-ups.  Grown-ups get to make their own decisions.

And reap the rewards of consequences of those decisions.


  1. I don't gate-keep anything because it's not my business. But I do often wonder how many people truly have a thing (trans, celiac, whatever) and how many others are just bandwagoning because it's fashionable. -Jking

  2. Last time I was in Ames, I went into the library (surprise, surprise) and saw a bunch of photos of "trans children" on exhibit, with plangent statements about how hard their lives were because the mean old government wouldn't allow them to "transition." My response was "my gods, these kids aren't ten years old yet for the most part! They aren't allowed to so much as buy a beer, and they're being encouraged to make a decision that'll affect the rest of their lives, negatively?" I'd say that almost all transgenderism these days is a result of a bunch of very unhappy, very suggestible people in combination with a bunch of "therapists" who've latched onto the latest craze (like with "recovered memories"---remember those? Or day-care centers that were supposedly really hotbeds of "Satanic child molestation?) and money-hungry, unscrupulous doctors. When/if this stupid fad passes, I think there will be some resounding lawsuits. I'll volunteer for popcorn detail.


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