14 September 2023

Drink From Your Own Skull!

With high-resolution medical imaging and 3D printing, there's no reason but cost to have a skull mug made from a scan of your own noggin.

Considering how often we're our own worst enemy, it'd still be drinking from the skill of an enemy!


  1. Gotta admit, I like the concept…
    And ditto on being my own worst enemy. No telling where I’d be if I could just stay out of my own way.


  2. I dig the idea, now add celebrity skulls too.

  3. I'm a member of a home machinist's forum where there's a large number of guys who use a plain, consumer-type 3D printer to make molds of thing to cast in metal. A shiny brass mug of your skull would be so cool they'll hand down legends about you.

    In my world the stumbling block the size of a truck is getting images imported into a 3D modeling program so I could create the Gcode for the printer. I don't have a foundry, but I think that's easier than getting the image and turning it into Gcode.


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