11 February 2024

A Plane Plan

 If I were to win one of those massive lottery jackpots, it would be far simpler and cheaper for me to just eat a .30-06 round than to buy an airplane.

Despite a lifelong fascination with aviation and airplanes, I lack the nature to be a pilot for reals.

I'm the person you read about in the aviation magazines who made a series of simple errors that individually would be fine, but collectively lead to a smouldering crater.

What sets me apart from those people is the realization that I am one of them long before even talking to a flight school.

It made me very sad to realize this about myself, I am fascinated with planes still.


  1. You might not be a plane person.

    You might be a remote controlled plane person.

    You can satisfy a lot of that fascination at a fraction of the cost and with almost none of the risk.

    1. I'm a simulated plane person. Or I was until my computer became obsolete.

  2. Planes are nice as long as you have the ability and the money to keep them maintained. Otherwise, as you said, smoking crater. Boats may be a hole in the water you pour money into but planes, planes are a hole in the ground you pour money and blood into.

    At least the surface of water is a relatively (in comparison) safe place to be in a boat, within reason. Planes? Once you're airborne all edges of air are dangerous and will kill you.

    It's to the point that even if I had mad money, I wouldn't be a passenger in a plane let alone own or try to fly one.

  3. I'd love to have a plane myself, but I wouldn't need it all the time. What I'd want to do would be to go in on one with some other people. That way I could have it for traveling when I needed it. Not having to spend hours ad hours in the car or train, or deal with TSA, would be paradise!

  4. As the saying goes: If I won big in the lottery, I wouldn't tell anyone, but there would be signs.

    My son knows what it will mean if I ask him if he wants to learn to fly. :)

    No way though, that I will be BUYING a plane - renting will do just fine.

  5. Same.

    Except "smoldering."


    1. Are you saying you wouldn't fly to England if you had a plane?

    2. Fly to England? From Oz?

      When I let someone else do the flying it's a 21 hour plus trip (more like 27+ ATM due to limited flight options post-COVID, which all require flying through a hub in the Middle East ).

      There is precisely ZERO chance that I would:
      A) be able to stay awake, active, and focussed for that long
      B) be able to justify buying a plane that could travel that far with only one (or even two or three) stops
      C) want to pay extra for ME to do all the work (or pay a pilot to fly MY plane)

      I ran the numbers (roughly):
      A G5 carries 41000 pounds of fuel and has a maximum range of 6675 nautical miles.
      At 800 kg per cubic metre (per Shell for Jet A-1) = 1760 pounds per cubic metre, that 41,000 pounds = 23.3 cubic metres = 23,300 litres = AUD$19,800 for fuel per fillup from empty (as of 19 February), delivery extra.

      Oz to England , for me, is 7800+ nautical miles direct, so one stop required in a G5, and at least AUD$23,200 in fuel alone, plus landing fees, maintenance, overnight accommodation etc.

      I can buy two first class tickets for $25,800, and the flight takes about the same time, and allows me to eat, drink, and sleep as I please.

      I'll take commercial thanks, even if I were to win enough to justify spending AUD$16M on a 25 year old G5, or, worse, AUD$80M on a 4 year old G6.

      Note: The G6 has max fuel of 48,000 pounds, for only ~300 nautical miles more range, so fuel economy is worse, but it carries more passengers than a G5.

    3. Well, you shouldn't be needing to go to England to spell it "smoulder". Jolly-Ol is closer for me than you.

      I was thinking a refurbished A-7K and a couple externals for my "lottery win" plane. They have stupid good range for a jet warbird. Replace the cannon and ammo bay with a luggage compartment and it's all good!


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