07 February 2024

Streisand Effect Inbound

Taylor Swift, a known dancing monkey, is upset that the publicly available ADS-B data is publicly available and that someone is making it publicly available.

That someone is publishing the movement of her private jet.

Ms Swift, you can avoid being tracked like this by simply not flying.

This someone isn't tracking ME.

Simple.  Easy.  Affordable!

I didn't even need a lawyer.

You might even shake it off by flying commercial.

They have no way of knowing what plane you're on and, thus, no idea which ADS-B signal to track.


  1. She could even shake it off by flying charter private jet. Charter under a company name that is not directly linked to her.

    But, wahhhhh.

  2. But she's Taylor Swift and she deserves special treatment, how dare that peasant use the First Amendment (sarc)


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