06 February 2024

Combat ≠ War

AuricTech Shipyards has commented that there's a lot of people who've honorably served in combat whom are nearing retirement, but they are not the people who are almost all gone I was talking about.

Despite sending our troops into combat, we did not actually go to war.

We did something that is included when you do war, but we didn't conclude it.

Fighting, and even winning, battles is only part of the whole thing.

We never defeated the enemy.

We won battles but never vanquished our opponents.

And we've been doing it since Korea. 

The bad guys know they just need to wait until we get bored and head home.  We snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Which is why I'm an advocate of killing instead of humanitarian efforts.

Again, when you find the Curtis LeMay quote I'm coyly referring to, a lot becomes clear.

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