08 February 2024

I Can't Be The Only One

I'm reading that NBC is considering cancelling Saturday Night Live. 

“The show hasn’t been funny in years,” remarked a high-ranking NBC executive, who wished to remain anonymous.

I agree.

I found that stopped being funny about the same time I became old enough to stay up late enough to watch it openly.

For me that also coincides with the original cast leaving.

I don't think I'm alone in the discovery that it's much less funny when you're not thwarting your parents and your bedtime.

Which really shows the demographic they've been aiming for all these years...


  1. I also think the first five or so years of it were the best, although I will admit it's had its moments since. A big part of the decline was that it lost its original writers at the same time the original cast left. IMNSHO they'd have been better just axing it after a few years of the "new" show, rather than letting it stumble on in zombie form for so long.

  2. The humor of SNL was/is also centered around NYFC so if you didn't/don't understand NYFC culture, a lot is lost in translation. Like the whole "Cheeseburger, cheesburger" skits dealing with a diner run by immigrants. Totally not understandable for this small town boy. Though "Candygram" and "Killer Bees" did make some sense.

  3. It was a show that had it's moments, depending on the quality of the cast members and writing. That was great on the first few seasons and then has been very spotty since then. It's also best when they don't go down the rabbit hole of ultra left wing politics as they've done many times. They've been at their best when they either stay non-political or are willing to poke fun at both sides without being unnecessarily mean spirited with their handling of anyone to the right of Chairman Mao. Even in some of the not so great times they've occasionally given a break to someone who has gone on to do better things like Bob Odenkirk.

    I guess it has stayed around for a long time because it must get enough ratings to make it. I doubt it is the first time it's been in danger of being cut because I can't imagine some of the really bad seasons that the ratings were great.

  4. I haven't watched SNL for decades. Given recent trends in "humor" it's probably become way more political and way less funny in the last decade.

  5. I'll even give the Joe Piscopo/Eddie Murphy years had some good sketches, but that was the end.


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