04 February 2024

I Find Your Terms Acceptable

 "The US-British coalition’s bombing of a number of Yemeni provinces will not change our position, and we affirm that our military operations against Israel will continue until the crimes of genocide in Gaza are stopped and the siege on its residents is lifted, no matter the sacrifices it costs us," Houthi spokesman Mohammed al-Bukhaiti wrote on X.

Curtis LeMay wrote on this.

Have fun sacrificing!


  1. Something about "Kill enough of them and they'll stop fighting"? Seems like a solid warfighting plan...

  2. It is difficult to bomb into the stone age, folks that ALREADY Live in the Stone Age from years of US assisted Saudi Arabian air and missile attacks.

    Every launcher is mobile, fire and move. Our vaunted satellites didn't help the Saudis over the past few years.

    And like Vietnam and Afghanistan we will lose to those willing to keep fighting long after our political will fades to black.

    We'd do better to do like Bush Jr and just say "Mission Accomplished" and quietly let the Propaganda (err Media) do its thing.

    Otherwise perhaps our Walmart's, Grocery stores and Hospitals might become war zones.

    All to support the war effort of Israel?

    1. No.

      You deliberately misunderstand. Good job.

      I don't care to attack their industrial or supply base.

      I am supporting killing them and to keep killing them until they stop fighting.

      Their attacking of trade routes is an American interest. They're using Israel doing the needful on Gaza as their excuse to attack our interests.

      Did you miss that part? They're not supporting Gaza at all.

  3. Thing is, we did bomb North Vietnam into the stone age, we just weren't allowed to bomb all of it. If we had bombed the harbors, bombed the railway yards and rail lines from China, flattened Hanoi, killed the leadership and anyone around them, set fire to the woods and fields and towns, totally did what we did to Germany and Japan, it would have been over.

    But we weren't allowed to flatten everything. Thus we did not achieve victory.

    Destoy all infrastructure the Houtis are using. Destroy what is left of their roads, their wells, their grain supplies, their supply lines, anyone who touches a weapon or a war material, eliminate any resistance from the face of the earth (all of which we can do relatively easily and relatively quickly) then this shhh...tuff would stop.

    Same with any 'pirate' village along Africa's coast, or in Indonesia. Support pirates and that grid square is gone from existence.

    Arclight it. Flatten it. Smash the ever-loving dog-turd out of that location.

    And this crap will stop.

    We did it against the Barbary Pirates. We did it against Mexico. We did it against the Spanish. We did it in WWI. We stonked the Moros hard in the Philippines, effectively suppressing them until after WWII, and so on and so forth.

    Funny, once the actual communists took over our halls of education and halls of journalism, and the creation of the UN, we stopped being effective at suppressing and outright stopping illegal and immoral crap like pirates and threats to US interests.

  4. Perhaps it’s time to treat the Houthi like the pirates they are. Under the law of the sea a pirate captured in international waters can be tried by summary court martial and executed. I think this sends a stronger message than the life imprisonment mandated for pirates landed on US soil by 18 USC ch. 81.
    A punitive expedition to Yemen by a competent Western army would also solve a lot of problems.


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