10 February 2024

Did He Really Just...

In the Putin interview:

Poland started WW2 because they left Hitler no other choice.

Yes, he really said that.

Then in the next breath he says that Ukraine left him no other choice.


Putin just equated himself with Hitler?

THE Hitler.


Thank you, Mr Carlson for letting him run at the mouth.

PS: I heard from a friend who has a friend in Russia that their rumor mill says Puti-Baby died of a heart attack six months ago and the FSB has been using body double meat-puppets to run the show since.


  1. Have you given thought to joining the New York Times staff? Your obvious skillset in interpreting international action is awesome. It would help pay for your LEGO subscription so you can have more AT-AT's and Dismounts.

    1. I really can't tell if you're being a jerk here or not.

  2. Putin, like Xi and Mao and Castro, uses 'rumors of illness and death' to ferret out the unbelievers and the over-achievers.

    Probably he's still alive. Most likely. Tucker would notice. And all the interwebs randos would have done voice analysis of the potentially Potemkin-Putin and would be shouting to the hills about that.

    But, yeah, remember when Hitler and Stalin were buddy buddy and started WWII in Poland? Pepperidge Farm remembers...

  3. Putin is a great statesman. He has done the impossible. He got Sweden and Finland both to join NATO. There was a time I would have expected pigs to fly sooner than expect to see that.


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