09 February 2024

They Are Beyond Needing Their Wings


Look, PETA, if you're going to try this, at least be serious.

Wings are what's left over when the rest of the bird is butchered and divvied up for sale.

They were the least cut and often were difficult to unload, so they were often the cheapest poultry available.

There are a lot of poor people whose only meat would be those wings.

Now that we live in times of plenty, wings are a treat.

But the important take-away is:  The chicken is fucking dead.  It'd be dead if nobody ate chicken wings on Stupid Bore Sunday.  Wings do not drive the chicken meat industry.


  1. The real question for PETA is, of course, how many chickens would be alive if we stopped raising them to eat them?

    Being tasty, tasty animals is a survival trait. Almost like the farm animals are farming... us for them to exist.

  2. Agreed. About the least amount of meat there if you don't include claws and beaks. Though rather flavorful, cooked correctly. Mom used wings to make a variation of her Mexican rice dish - those wings made it well worth it. RIP Ma.


  3. Do they really need their wings though? Most commercially raised chickens can barely fly even if they are ever let out of a cage. It isn't like we're only eating the wings either. Hell, people even eat the feet, well, they make soup from them anyway. PETAphiles are mostly just bat$#!+ crazy. A lot of vegans get that way due to a lack of essential enzymes and proteins in their diet which often leaves them a few quarts low on critical neurochemicals.

  4. What about the poor buffalos? They can't fly without their wings either.

  5. "How do you know that chicken is dead?"

    "It told me it had information that could put Hillary Clinton into prison for life!"


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