14 February 2024

Rage Quit Or Gut It Out

I tend to watch TV in a binge long after the show is off the air.

Some series I've gutted it out to the end.

Some I give up before I'm done with the second season.

Many I go all the way to the end and I feel satisfied.

Some I get to the end and feel like I would have been better off quitting early.

Where do you most often quit?


  1. I give a TV series two episodes before I judge it. Probably a little fast, as some series take some time to provide more details that keep it interesting. Some engage you quickly (SYFY Resident Alien starts Season 3 tonight - I'm a fan of that one). Very quirky and has funny characters, much like Northern Exposure way back in 1990's.

    Others quickly disappoint - NBC's La Brea was bewildering to try and follow. I think that had the series finale last night - Good Riddance !

    Our evenings for TV are pretty short, too many daily activities like going to feed cattle take priority. TV time is pretty restricted and when too slow, we fall asleep in front of TV


  2. I usually watch the entire series if I can make it through the whole first episode. A lot of series I can't make it through even one installment.

  3. It depends on the series and my perception of it. When I rewatched Babylon 5 I watched the first four seasons and passed on season five because the main story arc resolved at the end of season 4. It was the Same with Lucifer, we watched the first five? seasons that resolved the story arc and passed on subsequent seasons. A few other shows we watched one or two and bailed. Dr. Who lasted until the anti knife PSA in Jodie Whittaker's first episode.

  4. Which series did you particularly like?

  5. Supernatural seasons 1 - 3 were good. Storyline of one creature at a time, resolved in each episode. When they brought in angels and demons, things sort of slowed down the series some. Castielle was a good character though, as was Bobby. Then they really went outside the box with the Leviathan and similar. Bringing back the dead - Mom came back from episode one - who saw that coming ?

    I enjoyed Supernatural - had one helluva sound track too. Bad a$$ car by Brother Dean too. Darn long series enjoyed by many.


    1. I refuse to watch Supernatural because that show destroyed negotiations to purchase a '67 Impala (with a 327 I was going to toss for an LS swap).

      I'd finally gotten the cocksucker to fix a price and he called me while I was wrangling a ride to tell me that he'd gotten many offers much higher than we'd agreed.

      I'm more mad at the cocksucker, but the show is why he felt the need to be a bigger cocksucker about it.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. The new "Justified" it's a shitshow of woke herpiderpiness.

    1. Darn. Unsurprising, but darn.

      I liked the original show. I should finish it sometime.


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