04 February 2024


Gun content has been light because I've just been shooting.

No new guns and new ammo is not very interesting for photos or conversation.

I'm getting a little faster and the groups are staying about the same.

Local range has enforced the "no photography" rule pretty hard lately too.

They are not explaining why the went from no enforcement to strict enforcement either.

There's a story they're not telling, I am sure.

Harvey likes her new glasses and is doing much better!

I watched all the content from SHOT and hardly a thing twitched my needles.

I am braced for the BM-59 to be totally wrong.  Manufacturers need to figure out that the nostalgia bug demands accurate reproductions with all features.

Brownell's can give a class on this with their, discontinued, Retro line of complete rifles.  Too many farbs.

I am not so much apathetic as content with my collection.

1 comment:

  1. Saw something on the BM-59's but really do not know a lot about them... Have and fired competitively the M-1, but the 59 was something my dad mentioned being something he encountered in Europe briefly while he was in... Looks interesting? Might be something to pick up if they are OK...


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