29 February 2024

Under The Knife

Young Shadow is going to the vet to be spayed tomorrow.

She is very upset about the "no food or water" cut off.


  1. My little girl Belli(cose) had to have surgery recently, and with two other cats in the house, my wife and me decided that it made sense to have her spend the night at the vet before the operation. She wasn't happy about it, but this way the other two could nibble and drink. And both of us missed her a lot that one night, even though she likes to yowl to get attention.

    Just a thought; not criticizing you.

    1. She already spends the night locked in my room, with me, where there's normally food and a pan. No food this time. She was very insistent for a while, but finally caved to petting and slept.

      I have just betrayed her trust and put her in her carrier for the trip.

      I'm the bad monkey.


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