18 February 2024

Fuck Off Officer

 Fuck the Florida Senate too.

I WANT to support the police, but they keep pulling this shit while doing everything in their power to subvert my rights.

But I do know one thing about this bill, that should be fucking obvious.

The citizenry didn't demand it.

This is entirely a the creature of law enforcement associations.

This is exactly the opposite of what the legislators are supposed to be doing.  They're there to represent US, not our employees against us.

It's interesting that the FL Senate can pull crap like this and can't bother to let the committees even talk about pro-gun legislation. 

Especially after passing that law about slowing down for any government employee parked on the side of the road last year.

It's primarying time!


  1. So is this going to end up requiring citizens to move away as 'furst responders, durhur' move into a group? Which if it is I can see this rule being used very maliciously.

    And what if the citizenry can't move 14 feet away? Like recently, when I had to have the rescue folk over into my tiny apartment to help my wife?

    The only laws I want passed right now are the right to actively run over protestors and Full Constitutional Carry (open carry of whatever I want, because, yes, my peepee is too small according to some folks.)

  2. AZ tried something similar with a different arbitrary distance selected, and their law got tossed out in federal court as a violation of the first amendment in September 2022. So your government overlords are not just passing a dumb law, they are passing one that has already failed in federal court because they are dumb and lazy and have no problem pissing away your tax dollars because they aren't held personally accountable for the idiotic waste. Yay?


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