22 February 2024

How Bad Is It

It's so bad that the guy who had "Hillary 2016" and "Biden 2020" in his yard doesn't have a "Biden 2024" sign up.

"Hillary 2016" stayed there until the "Biden 2020" sign went up.

"Biden 2020" lasted right up to "Let's Go Brandon" became a meme.

1 comment:

  1. It probably won't matter because the Democrats will double down on cheating this time. They got away with it last time so they will be more bold now. People will be watching, but since they're allowed to just deny it and nothing is done, they will get away with it again. Democrats talk about Trump being the greatest threat to Democracy, but like always, they accuse everyone else of what they are. When you can't trust the voting booth Democracy is dead. Democratic cheating will put the final nails in the coffin this fall.


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