08 February 2024


The spirit of Aloha trumps the Constitution?

OK, you stupid fucking wastes of oxygen, you have literally cited religious belief as a means to deny 2nd amendment rights.

LITERALLY cited a State religion in the face of both the 1st and 14th amendments.

This is definitely something already decided by the supreme court.

I keep thinking that America needs to start invading all these defacto seceded states and force them back to the rule of law.

Another period of reconstruction would do them good.

My carpet bag is ready!

PS: In America, there is no such thing as Hawai'i.  It's just Hawaii.  Anyone who can't accept that should be disbarred because this is, literally, the legal spelling of the last state.  Push it hard enough and we'll go back to calling it The Sandwich Islands.


  1. Those people on those islands are the perfect example of unadvanced people living in a friggin paradise and they don't have to work hard to provide for food, water or shelter.

    Seriously, once you're out of the cities, the need for air conditioning is minimal, as the trade winds provide enough breeze to cool things off. Fresh water (well, mostly fresh) and both vegetables, fruit and meat are in abundance.

    These people don't know the concept of 'struggle' or 'hardship' (for the most part.) They don't understand things like real weather or drought or, well, lack of food.

    Just ask the Puerto Ricans what happened when Uncle Sugar took away the military bases and firing ranges that provide the island(s) with constant sources of money.

  2. They need a Supreme Court smackdown.

  3. Cargo cult, hardly worth recognizing their opinions. Seriously, what exactly does that state export? Anything of value?

  4. This isn't the only thing like that. Astronomers want to build an observatory on one of the Hawaiian volcanoes, but the "Native Hawaiians" raised a howl because that volcano is "sacred" and "like a family member." Thanks to our soft-hearted courts, there won't be an observatory there, even though it's a wonderful place for one.

    As for this "Aloha Spirit"---WTF are they talking about? From what little I know of them, the Hawaiian Islanders were ferocious warriors back in the day. If King Kamehameha could come back and see what his putative descendants have become, he'd either laugh himself sick or hang himself.


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