14 February 2024

Series List

Some recent series:

Parks and Recreation.  Rage quit in second season.

The Tudors.  Gutted it out but wasn't having much fun.

Brooklyn 99.  Enjoying it.

La Brea.  Love to hate it, but gutting it out.  (Bus!  Magic bus!)

B5.  Season 5 can be skipped.

BSG.  Stop once they hit New Caprica.

OG Star Trek.  Gutted it out.  "79 episodes, about 30 good ones," P J Fry.

Succession.  Gutted it out.

Attack on Titan.  Getting to the good part is gutting it out.  Once past that line, it's decent. 


How could I forget The Expanse!  The season where they're stuck on one world going blind is the only weak season, but it was a weak book too.  Necessary for the last three books, and as yet unfilmed last three seasons.


  1. I didn't make through the first season of Parks and Recreation. I agree you should skip B5 Season 5, but you must watch the series finale (filmed as part of season 4, but pushed out to season 5).

  2. Oy. Bailed on BSG as well. After they tried settling down on a planet.

    Bailed on Mad Men as well. Wife was plinking away on the screen, and I told my wife the writers are nihilists.

    Interested on your take regarding Star Trek. Got that one one on DVD.

    1. I enjoyed Mad Men. The best thing about preferences is not everyone has to agree on enjoying something.

      Robert is correct, got to watch the finale of B5.

  3. While original Star Trek was pathbreaking for its time, and head-shoulders-and-chest above any other SF you'd find on the small screen, it does show its age in various ways. Also, most of the scriptwriters were not SF people themselves, and had a hard time getting their minds around what was wanted. The third season was actively sabotaged by the network, which wanted it off the air.

    1. OGST has aged far better than STNG and STNG has aged best of the follow-on series.

      Lower Decks is hilarious if you suffered through all of STNG with friends who were enraptured by it and hated Traveller.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Farscape is one I want to like more than I do. I like the characters and setting, but I just stop watching someplace in the middle and forget to go back. Right about when Zahn dies is where I always fade out. Never made it to the end despite owning the complete series.


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