10 February 2024


While I enjoy reading about liberal bastions suffering under their sanctuary city policies now that the invading aliens are being shipped directly to them.

I am still upset that the aliens are here.

I also marvel that these same liberal bastions can't make the connection between what they're going through NOW and what the non-liberal states on the borders have been dealing with for decades.


  1. A big part of trying to deal with this is overriding the stupid pro-immigration propaganda that gets stuffed down people's throats starting in elementary school. Mention "immigration" or "immigrants" to a lot of people and all they can see is images of Ellis Island (the fact that a lot of people were sent back from Ellis Island doesn't get into the kids' books for some strange reason) happy immigrants weeping with joy to see the Statue of Liberty (a monument to liberty? In New York City? Why not have an altar to Baphomet in St. Peter's? One's just as appropriate as the other!) and sentimental stories about poor, picked-upon foreigners finding the American Dream.

    Those lying history books never get around to mentioning that every wave of immigrants brought problems in their baggage, and usually didn't really assimilate until about the third generation or so in-country. The Irish brought religious conflicts (being Catholic in a fiercely Protestant country didn't help) and a lot of them also used the US as a launching ground for attacks on Britain (the Fenian Brotherhood staged a couple of invasions of Canada right after the Civil War.) The Italians brought cultural conflicts with the Irish, as well as a pattern of organized crime we still have with us. And so on and so forth.

    This is also NOT the goddamn 1880s, when that stupid poem on that stupid statue was written! We do not have a huge, people-absorbing frontier, or an exploding factory economy with a bottomless appetite for unskilled and semi-skilled labor. We have a welfare state that I do not see anybody seriously advocating removing. You can have open borders and unlimited immigration---or you can have a welfare state. You cannot have them both.

  2. People in liberal bastions support shifting the illegals back to the border states "because they're set up to handle them." Can't make this crap up.

  3. As someone living in Texas hearing them referred to as "immigrants" is annoying. That the places they are being shipped to in miniscule quantities compared to the sheer number here? They are collapsing under that "weight" while here not a week goes by that someone or some family is taken out by a drunk driver or other random violent crime committed by these criminals. It is not a "migration", they are NOT sending their women and children to safety. It is a flood of "military aged males" with a number of folks from "farther away" mixed in for good measure. I mean not sure how the Haitians "walked" to the Rio Grande and walked across it... Saying nothing of those from China or those of "Arab" descent magically appearing here...

    At least start enforcing the bloody laws and allow us to stop this flood... But that does seem to be the plan for the group currently in power in DC...

    1. We're still taking the brunt of the invasion here in Texas. The number we've shipped to blue states and cities is a tiny fraction of what shows up on our border every day. The liberal media misrepresents the whole thing. The people Texas ships to those places ASK TO GO THERE. Most of them have friends or family who already are there or they've heard that those places give away more free shit or whatever.The media makes it out like Governor Abbott is personally kidnapping these people and forcing them onto busses just to get rid of them. He doesn't have to do that. They willingly go. The Feds would complain even more about the bussings if what the media claims was true. The media lies. Even "right wing" news outlets like FOX (which is really more close to center, just the other 7 major broadcast/cable news networks are left to extremely left so people perceive FOX as being more right than they really are) don't really cover just how bad things really are. The numbers that are caught are only the tip of the iceberg, they are the ones turning themselves in because they know the Feds won't do anything and won't let Texas deal with it like we could and should. The "got aways" are all too often people who Trump's "bad hombre" comment is if anything too kind about. The drug smugglers aren't even nearly the worst. Human trafficers, rapists, murderers, pedophiles, terrorists. That's often the reason they don't want to be caught because they know even Biden might do something if they were. They're often that bad. And the Feds are doing less than nothing, basically rolling out the red carpet and encouraging them to come.


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