18 February 2024

U After O Except When It's No

There are a couple of words that I spell English instead of American because I learned to spell them from reading before I learned there was a preferred way to spell them here.

Smoulder is one of them.  I can type smolder if I focus on it, but my fingers add the 'u' 9 times out of 10.

Of note:  Neither spelling has the "you spelled it wrong" red line under it as I type this.

So it gets spelled English a lot because I have to really focus on spelling it American style and most of the time I'm going too fast for that kind of focus.

I houpe this douesn't coulour youur oupinoun ouf me.


  1. No problem here. 'Smoulder' looks better than 'smolder' anyways. And I learned to spell 'Traveller' from, well, "Traveller" and 'traveler just looks wrong.

    I've always wondered if American spellings were because newspapers and other printers were too cheap to spend for the extra letters.

  2. There is a guy from England (US Citizen now) who has a youtube channel called "Lost in the Pond" and he talks about the differences between various things in the US vs UK. Essentially every time there is a spelling or pronunciation issue it turns out that the UK changed the way they do it and the US is still doing it the way everyone did prior to 1776.


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