20 February 2024

High Concept Schlock

I am, manfully, trying to watch Space: 1999.

It's so very high minded, reasonably well filmed in the first season...

and it's dreck.

When I was 7 it was a lot more impressive.

The initial premise is just... wrong.

Ignoring how much energy is used to get the moon moving at what looks to be about 6G for a few minutes...

6G for a few minutes leaves the moon...  In orbit around Earth.  A different shape orbit, perhaps disastrously different.

But it doesn't get the moon outside the solar system.

I suspect some drugs that you cannot readily get anymore were involved in conceiving the show.  Like 'ludes.


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    1. Sign your work next time!

      HR Puffinstuff is nightmare fuel today. But I ran home to watch it when I was a kid.

  2. My initial reaction to the title was "A Schlock Mercenary show?" which would be either great or terrible

  3. At the time it was aired, it was commented on repeatedly that the premise of the moon drifting off into space was utter hogwash, and that considering how fast they used up things (how many Eagles got destroyed in every episode?) they'd be starving and dying before long. Not to mention the length of time it would take the moon to reach even the nearest star system, much less go as far as it did in the show. But it was what there was. Kind of like original Star Trek.


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