03 February 2024

Road Rage

I was involved in a road rage incident yesterday.

I went around someone who was not noticing the way was clear after giving them a toot of the horn to get them to notice.

They pulled up on me and asked if that was really necessary.

When I replied that, yes, it was; they went off on me.

I am a nasty bald cracker with a shitty car.

I confirmed with the, black, manager of the tobacco store that was my destination that "cracker" is, indeed, a racist phrase.

Two days into black history month I have been shit on by a bigot.

By the way, fucknut, nobody who drives a Hyundai gets to say that anyone else has a shitty car.

Also, I was assured that this sort of thing would result in someone getting shot if conceal carry was made legal, if conceal carry without a permit was allowed... etc.


  1. Been called a cracker before. Strange, I'm not native white stock of Florida (the early white cowboys called 'Crackers.)


    I am an American, but saying that pisses off the POC crowd.

    I am, from my family, German/French/English/Scottish and a wee bit Irish. My ancestors on my mom's side were abolitionists and on my father's side too poor to own slaves. Mom's side fought with the North, came from Ohio, so... no slaves, fought for freedom, yada yada yada. Okay, Dad's side did fight for the South, but that was over the whole state's rights vs federal rights and also no slaves, yada yada yada.

    Yet I'm the violent racist according to three of my neighbors (two past, one present.) Present one won't even speak to me if I say "Good Morning" or any other type of greeting. Hell, last summer he was almost passed out on his doorstep and I asked him if he was okay or needed water or something and all he told me was to "FO." So, well, poo on him. (Gee, another incident of me being a violent raycist, right?)

    I feel for you, man. Sometimes you just can't please anyone.

    As to the Hyundai, maybe the owner heard that the engine of said vehicle will shit-the-bed at around 50,000, especially if one drives it 'like they stole it.' I'd much rather have your Aussie land-yacht than a Hyundai.

    1. Besides, I can't be a cracker; I'm a yankee carpetbagger.

  2. Funny how none of those pearl clutching, hand wringing claims by libtards about concealed carry, premitless carry or open carry leading to daily shootouts and "blood in the streets" over parking spaces or someone honking their horn or giving another driver the finger ever come true. It's also funny how almost all of the actual cases of shootings always seem to be by prohibited people for whom none of the laws allowing carry apply. And how often such things seem to happen in places where carry isn't permitted. It's almost like libtards are morons who don't know what they're talking about... Oh wait. It is EXACTLY that.


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