11 February 2024

May 9, 2007

Hey, Jill, it wasn't my son; it was my mom, but I still remember the exact day she died.

That day does not fade even though the grief cannot be measured years.

Wait, yes it can.  Almost fourteen.  Being that it's a date, it's quantifiable.

Even more, it's not unusual for a parent to die before their child.  It's the norm.

A child dying before the parent is noteworthy.  Sadder.

It should stand out in their mind as long as they have one.

Which brings us to the salient point, "Doctor:"  Joe has left the building.

People like you have carted the poor man out and robbed him of what little dignity a life-long politician has in their decline.

While he might have good days, he's mostly not home.

Not someone we should want at the levers of power at all.


  1. He was like that before the election. Years before the election.

    Pure elder abuse, and a pure meat puppet. Walter (Jeff Dunham's puppet) is more coherent than Slo Jo.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. He's not AT the leavers of power, someone else is. Probably 0bama or his brain Valery Jarrett.

  4. He's been vermin his entire life. It's my fervent wish that he has moments of lucidity and KNOWS how the world views him. Hope if fucking hurts, too. Ain't sorry.


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