05 February 2024

Thanks Joe!

24 feet of fence with posts is $350 and I still have to put it up myself.

I did twice that length in the back yard for less under a different president seven years ago.

We've decided to put a fence between us and the north neighbor so their trash stays on their property.


  1. Everything is going up. I purchased a baby carrot package yesterday for $1.34 that cost $0.99 a week ago.

    Biden sez low inflation and a great economy - I don't think so Tim ...


  2. Good fences make good neighbors. Usually!!

  3. The price of a sheet of plywood has gone up by nearly double since that scumbag Biden took office.

    Dumbocrats always talk how they are "for the little guy", but most of their policies lead to results that end up screwing poor and middle class people the most. Sure, maybe their hood rats get free shit, but those of us who are working pay for all of it. And the truly needy never seem to get any better off, if anything in the long run they seem to be damaged and trapped by the whole welfare state. And those results seem to be on purpose on the part of wealthy libtards.


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