19 February 2024

At Least Once

Probably more than once.

I have been told that my bloated, crippled ass will not be participating in any upcoming civil war.

Au Contraire!

I know The Math.  And other equations.

I even calculated them myself.

Even if we assume that I am killed when the police arrive to confiscate my firearms; how many cops do I have to assign to my honor guard in Hell for the pro-gun side to win because the anti-gun side has run out of people in uniform?

I'm pretty sure they think we're not going to fight back.

I'm pretty sure they're wrong.

Well, they might be mostly right, but the odds are ever in our favor.

I've said it many times now.

The decision to have this fight is not up to us.  It's up to people who're stupid as fuck.

1 comment:

  1. There is a lot that can be done by fat old men. A lot. Especially when there's nothing left for said fat old men, after their lives and families are ruined.

    Then again, the same people that think fat old men can't do anything are roughly the same type of person that thinks the guvment owning nuclear weapons to use on its own citizens is a deterrent.


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