18 February 2024

It's A Tell

Have you noticed that the GunTubers shilling for USCCA "insurance" are all lawyers?


  1. From what I've heard, the insurance is useless as USCCA will not help at all in case you actually need the insurance. Kind of like... State Farm.

  2. This is one reason I haven't bothered to get a concealed carry permit; it seems that all of the stores here in SW Ohio that offer the classes also push this garbage. I REALLY don't want/need to argue with my instructor(s) on this subject. My temper is getting worse and my tolerance for fools is measured in angstroms these days. One benefit of being retired, I guess.

    I've largely stopped going to any of the 2A websites because of this(that and for shilling for tactic-cool junk that just get the gun grabbers all hot and bothered).


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