04 February 2024


Watching "war" on the news appears to have a lot of people confused.

Kids, you've never seen one.

The last people in America who have are almost all gone.

I am talking about just killing those who attack us and our interests.

No building churches.

No digging wells.

No delivery of humanitarian supplies.

No half assed attempts to make a government friendly to us.

Just blowing up everything and killing everyone until our people and interests are secure.

No sorting out the innocent from the guilty.

Don't fucking care any more.

I did direct you all at Curtis LeMay, he has the pertinent quote.

If The Hague complains, we can blow that useless appendage up too.

If we're going to Empire, then let's EMPIRE.

I've long held that if someone hates you no matter what you do, then do shit they will hate.


  1. We stopped being effective when we turned into World Police and started 'arresting' people for screwing with us, rather than just tossing grenades in and shooting every damn person who resists.

    I really don't care about the feelings of non US citizens. People elsewhere should be so scared of fucking with us that they shoot their own who dare to screw with us.

    Oh, you took some US citizens hostage? Welcome to the Marines, pal. Go play catch with a JDAM.

    1. When we deliberately dismantled the British Empire and the associated Pax Britannica after WW2 and assumed the Pax Americana the world cop thing came with.

      But we should never have taken the 'cop' part literally and just kept up what actually worked.

    2. We should have never allowed the Quakers to be our moral compass. Harsh punishment that is swift and strong is better than years and years of pandering contemplation. The Quakers messed up our criminal punishment system and they messed up our later actions against our enemies.

  2. There is a belief among many that the world wants to be like the US. Sorry Neocons and liberals, most of the world is quite happy they way they are. They may want our things, they do not wish a representative democracy. After 20 years traveling in the old Warsaw Pact and Middle East, they like their emirs , sheiks and family businesses in the Stans over there. They love a good blood feud.
    If you you are going to retaliate, make it the thing that ballads are made of, that will be remembered for centuries.

  3. Every US servicemember who was serving the last time the US military engaged in decisive combat against another nation-state's uniformed armed forces could have served long enough to be eligible to retire from the military in April 2023. Early May 2023 at the latest.

    1. Yet, none of them did war. Nor did the nation.

      That we didn't is an insult to the people you're referring to.

    2. Sending soldiers in with such restrictive orders is the insult. We should only send in soldiers when we are willing to slip the dogs of war, full out.


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