07 February 2018

Target Audience

Bright, again.

I suddenly hit me, with all of these critics complaining about lazy or incomplete world building in Bright.

They're not the target audience.

The target audience are ME and MY people.

None of us had trouble seeing what was going on subtextually.

That's because we walked into the theater knowing what an Orc was.

Knowing what Elves are.

Playing the same game in different GM/DM's worlds.

We've been there and done that and filled in the gaps on the fly so many times that it's effortless to grasp this world in a way that a film critic cannot.

There appear to be hundreds of little details that we gamer types noticed that baffle the critics.

We were being SHOWN the world.

The critics who complain about narration and exposition are now unable to figure out a world without someone explaining it.

It makes me think that film school is the only college where there's no D&D being played.

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