14 December 2021

Liz... Um...


Liz, I am with you all the way!

We should make everyone freeloading off everyone else pay taxes.

You first.

Mr Musk at least makes stuff that people want.  Stuff that people are willing pay their own money to get.

I'd also like to remind your stupid mooching ass that if he's not paying taxes it's because of the breaks that people like you built into the tax code for your wealthy associates.  You make him pay taxes and THEY will have to pay too.

Then you won't be a senator for long.


  1. How about fair and open accounting of every senior government official and politician. And require them to live, while serving, within their salary means.

  2. I'd add a nepotism clause in there too to prevent their insider trading from benefiting anyone they're related to far enough out that the first relative who benefits will have been dead a generation.

  3. One curious thing is that Democrats always blame Republicans for tax loopholes that benefit the rich... However when you actually go look at the legislation, an awful lot of it was written by Democrats, sponsored by them, and voted for by them. And often signed into law by a Democratic president.

  4. The income tax was sold, originally, as a very slight thing that would only hit the equivalent of the "1%" (by which I do not mean outlaw bikers). Nowadays, the income tax code is a monster that nobody, not even the IRS, understands. Let's get rid of it.

  5. Take away automatic payroll deduction and make everyone write a check to the IRS. Preferably on the day prior to election day. That would change our national politics right quick.


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