11 August 2022

A Feeling

I cannot help the sinking feeling that the reason there's a conflict in Ukraine at all is because of the Biden clan in the first place and the only reason we're not letting Russia have her way is because of the same clan.

They spent a lot of time there fucking around with the energy companies that kinda triggered The Bear to get grumpy.


  1. Opening the options a bit. I have no doubt that Russia had interest in control. Control of the gas, oil, and coal resources of the Ukraine would guarantee the fuel strangle hold over Europe. Then there is the Russian naval facility in the Crimea, the Ukrainian grain exports and the Ukrainian shipping ports on the Black Sea.

    I'd guess that Putin thought that the Biden Regime could be easily bought off, and probably were, but Zelensky, Congress and the public opinion in the US and EU got the bit in their teeth and got into the game of killing Russians.

    I have no doubt that Biden's policies of cutting US gas/oil production while buying Russian Oil and selling US oil to China were part of "Grift Oil Futures", but NATO (OTAN) saw Russia's move for what it was and went in for fertilizing Ukrainian soil with Russian blood. Russia has to worry about Chinese claims on Siberia as well as NATO, so Putin can't throw everything against the Upstarts in the Ukraine. Plus we are seeing that most of the resources spent by Russia on upgrades, training, and maintenance went into the pockets of Corruptocrats, while the Ukraine still improved and reorganized. Mini-corruption in the Ukraine trashed the Maxi-corruption in Russia, plus there was the chaotic contibutions from the EU countries.

    The grift lust of Biden/Pelosi/et al are a concern as are the Yachts/Property of the Russian neo-Bolsheviks. An interesting contest. The fraud and lust in the back halls of banks maybe as or more important than the weapons strikes in the black dirt of the Ukraine. Fun for All.

  2. hillary and crue orchestrated the coup in ukr of a duly elected president and installed their puppet. biden was vp then. her sil had invested every dime of his family fortune in cheap/inferior ukr steel which imports had been banned by congress. she gave him a waiver to dump vast tonnage on the u.s. market, bankrupting several small us steel makers. her sil, along with kerry's kids and even romney's spawn and all the cool kids joined the ukr energy gravy train and milked off ukr treasure. its a whole crime syndicate, not just a family. then again maybe they are all related?

  3. Let's not let Putin off the hook, here. That SOB came up through the KGB and would love to put the old USSR back together, like in that Simpsons episode. He grabbed the Crimea before Biden became president, remember?

    1. He grabbed Crimea during Peak Hunter though.

  4. Obama, the Bidens and the Clintons spent years poking at Putin like they were poking at a wasp's nest and then they act surprise when the wasps swarm... Make no mistake that Putin is a villan. But so are the leadership Democrats. They're sold out to China and working against Russia to China's advantage.

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