08 August 2022

Bruno Gantz Was Not Austrian Nor German

John Leguizamo, a Latino actor who's played several Italian characters, is bent out of shape that a white dude got picked to portray murderous dictator Fidel Castro.

First off, John, if you're going to play non-Latino roles yourself, you have to accept that non-Latinos will be playing Latino characters.

Especially when there are Latinas like Cameron Diaz.

Suck it up.

But let's take this further.

Something I've seen for myself living in Florida is Latino is not a singular, monolithic, homogeneous group of people.

The different nationalities of Latino fucking HATE each other.

John, you're Colombian.  Who the fuck are you to complain that someone who's not Cuban play a murderous Cuban dictator?

By your own rationale you aren't even qualified to play his murderous, thug, henchman Che Guevera.

Che was Argentinian.

I guess if you MUST play a murderous thug, Pablo Escobar was a fellow Colombian.

PS: James Franco is a better actor and got the part on merit, not ethnicity.  He even looks like Fidel a bit.


  1. Ah, but James Franco is part-Portuguese, so that does make him Hispanic. So, yeah, shut the copulation up, John Leggyzamy.

    And Franco does look like he could be Trudeau's brother as you said...

  2. Cubans come in all colors: white, black, and, yes, Chinese. When my parents were honeymooning there they were startled and amused to see little Chinese kids chattering away in what Cubans think is Spanish. (The Spanish teacher in my old high school used to wax eloquent on how Cubans mangled the language...)


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