02 August 2022

A Test

Judging by all of the indicators that The People are fed up with how things are going and wish to change from The Evil Party to The Stupid Party in November...

We should have a decent majority in both Congressional houses coming.

The thing is, with the whispered news coming from Arizona and Michigan that the 2020 election was, indeed, fucked with...

2022 is a test to see if the system really is rigged and that the soap and ballot boxes have failed; leaving only one box left.

Well informed voters and honest elections are king pins of this Republic.

The latter is far more important than the former.


  1. The people who have been cheating at elections for years. The ones that joke or almost brag about it... Are very good at it. It's not surprising if there is no evidence to be found. They know what they are doing, and they know how to cover things up and they often control the people who are supposed to investigate that kind of thing. So even when there is evidence it gets lost, buried or just ignored. Plus you get statements like there was no "systematic" or "widespread" voting fraud. Well, that's not the same as saying there was none, or even that it was insignificant. When margins in many states are razor thin, a percent or two or sometimes even fractions of a percent, it only rakes a tiny amount of fraud to swing things. A few tens of thousands in millions of votes or less.

    Certain things like mail in ballots are just plain difficult to make free of fraud. It's interesting that only one side seems to favor every change to voting from the past that makes it easier to cheat. It's also interesting that they claim that making it hard to cheat primarily only affects certain demographics of people. It seems insulting to those groups in a way. Like they are being taken advantage of and used politically.

  2. In deep-blue areas in particular, getting any action on Democratic cheating is like getting proof on the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. BA-da-bing, ba-da-boom, nobody saw nuttin'. The news media are utterly in bed with the Democrats, and won't look at anything that makes their precious party look like cheaters.

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