25 August 2022

Bonus Feature

The MicroPrism has an epic battery life.  29,000 hours.

The StrikeFire II only has 7,000.

Neither is telling the true story.

Both have an automatic shut-off.

The StrikeFire II shuts off after 12 hours and all you have to do get the dot back is hit either button.

The MicroPrism has "shake-awake" and turns back on automatically if you jiggle the sight (or weapon it's attached to).

Auto shut-off extends the battery life a lot, and the MicroPrism has more life to give.

It also means that I don't need to remember to turn it on before bed or flail at it if I forgot because something has gone bump in the night.

So far I'm liking the MicroPrism more and more each day.

Being smaller and lighter on top of it doesn't hurt either.

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