05 August 2022

Silver Lining?

I just realized that with the loss of The Precious I will never have to attend to the small tear developing in the left side bolster of the driver's seat caused by the clip of my Kershaw.

The Kershaw was able to cause this tear because of the awkwardness of my crippled ass getting into her low-slung seats.  And that you couldn't open the door all the way in the garage.

That corner of my pocket slid along that part of the seat.

Re-covering the seats of The Beast will be simpler because the side airbags are in the pillars and not the seat.



  1. Which Kershaw model is it ? Or is it a Zero Tolerance model ? If you don't want to answer that, its cool - I'm a knifaholic and anything 'knife' catches my attention. In fact, rocking a Husker 1380 Kershaw I picked up at Wal-Mart last night. Didn't need it, but I was immediately drawn to handle and blade shape. And $20 cost - why not ?


    1. It is a Kershaw 1635 Mini-Cyclone. The lifetime warranty has proven to be complete bullshit, Marv had an identical knife that broke several times and they gave him a certificate for a much cheaper knife and not for an equivalent or to fix the broken one.

    2. Ah - okay. Thanks for replying. Sorry to hear about your friend's trouble with Kershaw factory warranty. So far, only trouble with the Husker is flipping action is extremely hard. Maybe pocket clip is pushing too hard on frame lock - ???. Needs some tinkering. Might even just remove - pocket clips often give me some issues with wear on pocket edge in time.



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