25 August 2022


There's a tag over there on the sidebar called "Magic Returns".

I was making a fantasy setting with a strong ancient Greek influence and while I liked what I was coming up with, I bogged down in the research of Greek Gods and delineating what powers a priest or priestess should have based on their patron deity.

The Greeks had a LOT of Gods.

Worse, from my perspective, The Greeks were very observant and had lots of petty little Godlings all the way down to personal Gods of their homes.

Rome did this too.

The thing that made me quit was the realization that teaching the damnable players how their characters should treat the Gods in everyday life was a combination of Pyrrhus and Sisyphus.

So it's sat for the past eight years unfinished.

But I found my notes.

It'd still be a good setting if I get it sorted.

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