11 August 2022

Maybe Because They Know You Hate Them Director

Christopher Wray, the director of the FBI, says that there's more death threats from "deplorable and dangerous" Trump supporters since they raided former President Trump's residence in Florida.

Well, Mr Beria Wray, perhaps if you behaved more like the FBI from the 1960's TV show, and less like a budding NKVD, people wouldn't feel that their only recourse was to fling threats at you.

I'd be more sympathetic except:

Almost all of them are cranks.  They are never going to DO anything, they just scream into the phone or smash at their keyboards and cluck a bit to their friends about how they showed YOU.

Perhaps you should call the Secret Service and ask how many death threats the president gets and how many rise above the crank level.

Deplorable and harmless, perhaps?

Plus the real reason you're not getting any sympathy from me is the long running string of arrests where the person who went to jail would never have risen to the level of crime without the active assistance of The Bureau in getting the materials together.

The FBI changed the harmless into the harmful just to make an arrest.

In a just world, this is called entrapment, but entrapment has been legally defined and The Bureau is gaming the law.

The signal that it really sends is that if there's so little crime that the federal cops have to make up their own, then perhaps we don't need federal cops.

The real reason we have federal cops at all stems from states being reluctant to agree to enforce questionable federal laws on people who crossed state lines.

Maybe federalism is the proper response to federalization and the director of the FBI calling people deplorable after the term has been supercharged politically by a Democrat.


  1. A lot of people remember the Feebies basically saying, back in 2016: "Yeah, Hillary Clinton totally did mishandle classified documents in ways that would get ordinary peasants thrown into the federal pokey. But she's Hillary, so we aren't going to charge her." The Feds' tepid response to the George Floyd temper tantrums also didn't help their image or their credibility any.

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