29 August 2022


Am I the only one who thinks that of any system in the Artemis stack, the RS-25 should be the thing that a) gives the fewest problems and b) has the longest list of solutions to what problems remain?

From watching the feeds, they are looking like people who're dealing with a brand-new never flown motor.

Not a good look NASA.


  1. How.... unsurprising.

    The whole boondoggle of a system, so totally obviously a congressional payola plan, should have been shut down years ago, or fast tracked years ago.

    The solid rocket booster stack, tested with Constellation. Same with the Orion module. The tank is just a tank.

    And, yes, the already tested and fired and flown J2/SSME/RS25s that they will be throwing away, not collecting, but throwing away, should not be the issue at all.

    1. I was talking to Marv about how the RS-25 is too damned expensive to just throw away, and wonder what their plan was for when all the paid-for engines are expended.

      I don't remember a program for making a cheaper version.


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