20 August 2023



Not a very effective ban if they're for sale in the open.

But the point they're attempting to make is these books have been removed from some audiences for various reasons at various times.

If you'd like an example of an actual banned book:  Go to Germany with copy of "Mein Kampf," and wave it under a cop's nose.

I remember the debate about AAFES selling it in on-post bookstores and how it was banned for reals in Germany.  The books were sold with a warning that you shouldn't take them off-post because even the status of forces agreement wouldn't protect you from prosecution.


  1. I wonder why I don't see "The adventures of Huck Finn" or "To kill a Mockingbird" up there.

    Not really. Because they were banned by the Left.

  2. "I am Jazz." For Copulation's sake, that poor kid was mutilated by his parents and now is expected to self-slab pretty soon. Pure victim of Munchausen's by Proxy.

    As to "Wizard of Oz," the movie cleaned up a lot of weirdness, strangeness and downright creepy stuff. Frank L. Baum purposely wrote non-moral fairy tales and it shows.

    But, yeah, banned books. So? I remember my local library restricting titles because of content (usually conservative, non-liberal books) and there was no clamor or shouting. We just found other ways to get the book (like going to another branch because the closest branch was full of whacadoodles that 'shadow banned' and outright restricted books.)

    Can't stop the signal.

  3. I usually enjoy the internal explosions as I innocently ask about "Mein Kampf" specifically... You know, since we are ensuring that all points of view are able to be represented in the Library and some books are ACTUALLY banned :-)

  4. Libtards are the worst kind of hypocrites when it comes to this. As others have mentioned, they cry about censorship and banned books when it comes to ones that fit their politics. But they have NO problem at all banning anything that doesn't fit their liberal sensibiilities. Many libraries would never stock books on firearms, or by famous conservative authors. Most liberals would have no issue at all with banning a book written by someone like Donald Trump. Any book that questions their liberal tenents?

    Of course they don't see any of that. They're famous for the "shadow ban" where they don't outright say they are going to ban anything... they just quietly make sure anything that doesn't support their biases isn't available and never give a reason for it. They keep things from being published, distributed, marketed by booksellers and selected for libraries because they've inserted themselves and their kind into key parts of the system. That's just as bad as actually banning something. Actually it is worse. Because it is secretive and dishonest. And I'm sure they'd deny it -- but look at the books selected above. It's no coincidence.

    That's one of the most annoying things about libtards. They always believe they are the defenders of freedoms and liberties like freedom of speech and the press. But in reality they're the worst. They are the ones that want to turn the US and really the whole world into something as bad as the old USSR/CCP.

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