10 August 2023

What The Actual

Because we're rabid Lego fans here, we order from Lego directly on occasion.

Lego has decided that USPS, Fed Ex, UPS and DHL are too reliable.

So they have changed to Laser Ship.

Laser ship's tracking has shown my package status as "waiting for receipt of package" since the 1st of the month.

You will note that today is the 10th.

Something I am just noticing is that Lego has no link for, "my shipment appears to be lost."

I'm ticked because I used my VIP points to make the purchase cheaper and to UPGRADE the shipping!

What the fuck, this is not an upgrade.

Adding to the frustration level is Midway.

UPS Postal innovations is a method of using the slowest method of moving a delivery from TWO shippers...  With the added risk of extra stops to lose the package.

My little spring disappeared from UPS on the way to USPS on the 4th.  They've changed the delivery dates every day since the 5th.  It's in the aether someplace between Orlando and here.


  1. I've had a terrible time with stuff getting delayed or lost in shipping lately too. It seems like things were terribly backed up during the whole Covid mess... I expected things would get better once things got back to normal. Well... Covid is over, but the supply chain, shipping and other problems still persist. And some things actually seem to be getting worse due to the recession (and yes, it is a recession despite all the claims otherwise -- the government is fudging the numbers in order to deny it). Shippers and manufacturers appear to be cutting more corners to try to scrape out profits.

    It took 3 tires to get a Tech2 scanner. First two I ordered from Amazon both got lost or stolen. The first by USPS, the second by FedEx. Both cases they claimed it was delivered, but nothing ever arrived. The FedEx package was supposedly signed for by someone -- but I don't recognize the name. Fortunately Amazon refunded both of those. The 3rd time I ordered one from an eBay seller in Hong Kong and it came by DHL... and they actually came through. They are actually pretty fast in delivering from HK. I've bought PCBs and electronic components from sellers there and gotten them in as little as 3 days. Other shippers from HK, China and Singapore often take several weeks or sometimes months.

  2. All your comments are just another day in Alaska. Except the people stealing packages from our porches. Every time we order something we’re ready to contact the vendor. Except for ammo, we don’t get that shipped to us. Damn it!


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