16 August 2023

Just To Prove A Point

GURPS is nigh universally compatible with any other game system with a minor amount of tweaking.

I have a recurring urge to get a party together, starting with 150 point fantasy characters and...

Run the VAST ATDGQ series of AD&D modules.

  • A 0-4 Against the Slave Lords
  • T 1-4 Temple of Elemental Evil
  • G 1-3 Against the Giants
  • D 1-3 Descent Into the Depths of the Earth and Vault of the Drow
  • Q 1 Queen of the Demonweb Pit

This is not a weekend's worth of playing.  This is a long campaign.

I'd need six to eight dedicated players to commit for as long as it takes.

With Zoom and such, it appears that it's possible to actually get a remote group together in real time.

It's an interesting idea.


  1. Tie in "Expedition to the Barrier Peaks" and it makes for a really interesting trip. Especially if they get the solar powered grav vehicle and figure out to use rods of light to power it. Damned sneaky players...

    Did it back when they came out with a dedicated group. Very wearying, but very good. And the last module was designed by Gygax to kill off everyone pretty much.

    1. My bad, the solar powered grav vehicle was from "Gamma World."

    2. I really loved the post apocalyptic Gamma World scenario and a lot about the game except the system was, like a lot of TSR products of that era... pretty horrible. Similar problems with Boot Hill and Top Secret. All of these settings of course could easily be done in GURPS. After the fall of the iron curtain the spy settings though, like Bond movies... are mostly historical. Not to say it doesn't happen, they just aren't making movies about it anymore. Westerns of course get rebooted on occasion, although in today's Hollywood woke-ism I suspect it will turn disasterous, and in ways different than "Rust".

  2. That does sound interesting. For WFRP 1st edition, the whole Enemy Within/Empire in Flames would be good, and after that, send them off to take care of Castle Drachenfels.

  3. Oh, such awesome modules :-) Good luck and enjoy, sir!


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