25 August 2023

Something Of An Endorsement

Vivek Ramaswamy is taking hits from both sides.

Both sides sure seem to be worried about him.

I tend to like candidates that worry the Uniparty like this.

I don't know fuck all about him, but he's pissing off people I enjoy seeing pissed off.


  1. I'm not completely sold on him yet, but from what I've seen we could sure do worse. I'm still leaning towards DeSantis though. Scott/Haley might be an interesting ticket too. Of course I'd vote for a rabid red dog before I'd vote for Biden or pretty much any Dumbasscrat who has been mentioned to replace him should be be taken down before the election.

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  3. He says the right things. Listen to his 2 hr interview on the Shawn Ryan Show podcast for a better feel for the man, that's a longform interview and waaaay more meaningful than the soundbite BS the legacy media gives you. He says he'd eliminate the FBI and the Dept of Education (among others). He is young and he does somewhat give off the I'm the smartest guy in the room vibe. I'd support him if he was the nominee.
    Tom from East Tennessee


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