22 August 2023

Yeah We Hate Them Too

We have politicritters that are going along with policy ideas from other states we don't care for in our own states.

Their going along with it doesn't change the state of origin of those idiotic policies and three states are the main source of these idiotic policies.

California, Massachusetts and New York.

California, in particular, leads the pack in shit that is imposed on the rest of the nation whether they like it or not.

But don't be acting sanctimonious that our politicritters went along with it.  We're primarying those pricks every election cycle.

That they've been reelected is more a function of the lesser of two evils than wanting them in office.

To cite the idea that amnesty is something idiot RINOS came up with and are pushing actively for means that you need to get out more.  The idiot RINOS are going along with the stupidity, we don't like it, but they aren't the originators of the dumbass idea.

That'd be California, again.

Especially bad that to accuse our RINO of leading the charge when Florida is at the forefront of stopping illegal immigration.

I don't see Governor Newsome suing the Feds to close the border or doing fuck all to ease the problem.

The comment that triggered this post was your third strike, Aesop.  Complain about me at your blog, again, but don't bother commenting here.

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