28 August 2023

Hacksaw Ridge Korea


Captain Glover is using an M1 carbine with adjustable rear sight and bayonet lug.

During the battle for Okinawa in early 1945.

While the sight and lug were type classified by the time this battle took place, hardly any were in the hands of the troops until well after the war ended.

Gun nerd shit like this is what I live for.


  1. And its people with your kind of knowledge which helps keep it real. Thanks !


  2. I had an uncle who was in both Korea and Vietnam, a U.S. Army veteran. He was a communications guy, installing phone lines, communications poles, etc. He never was involved in hostilities in Vietnam, but in Korea he used his issued M1 Carbine in at least one firefight. He told me about how the cartridge was underpowered, shooting one Chinese soldier in the chest at 100 yards and seeing the dust fly off of the mans quilted jacket, and the man kept coming. He eventually dropped, but my uncle, a 23 year veteran of the Army and the classic military type ala R. Lee Ermey, said that he was "concerned" about things for a time.
    I don't think many people today really understand just how horrific the Korean war really was. Vietnam was of course awful as well. I am so sad that we don't seem to have learned anything in some 7 decades, but continue to become involved in foreign entanglements acting as the world's policemen. That we always seem to oppose the strongest nations such as China or the Russian Federation is just one more part of our leaders stupidity. It never ends well.

    1. Sometimes I think though that the real problem is that we wait way too long to get involved. If we had pushed in and eliminated Stalin after WWII and supported the Nationalists in China so Mao hadn't won we might not have needed to be in Korea or Viet Nam in the first place. Of course with pinko sympathists like FDR in charge and then Truman who was not that effective... wasn't going to happen. By the time Eisenhower was in office Korea was already well under way and the dies were already on their way to being set for Viet Nam.

      Taking out Stalin would have been messy but given the state the USSR was in at the end of the war, not undoable. A couple of A-bombs on Moscow if necessary. We really let Mao have China though, it wouldn't have taken much investment to keep it from going red. Probably a lot less than what we put into either Korea or Viet Nam. We mostly just needed to supply equipment.

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  4. :-) Yes, my old IBM M1 carbine (I work in IT, so needed this particular one) has those upgrades, but it went through "upgrades" while in service before being sold off as surplus... A neat little weapon, just a lot more expensive to feed than back in the 90's...

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    1. First, you didn't sign your work, so... No comment for you.

      Second, my grandmother already knows how to suck eggs, so we don't need your assistance. I know which war and where the battle for Okinawa was fought. You missed the joke, see below.

      Third, Calling it Hacksaw Ridge Korea is in reference to when the modifications to the M1 carbine were actually in the hands of combat troops. An M1 with a bayonet lug and adjustable rear sight is often referred to as a Korean War model and the earlier version as a WW2 model. Even though the modification program ran from 1946 on and was nearly completed long before Korea heated up. There's also the M2 Carbine update modification running concurrently.

  6. Fourth! I mentioned, "During the battle for Okinawa in early 1945." But we knew you couldn't read because you missed the instructions for anon posts in the disclaimer over there on the right and their repeating below.

    You should look up your third grade teacher and apologize for failing them.


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