07 August 2023

Missed It By That Much

Toyota missed something putting my car back together.

The electrical plug for the door-lock.

Easily corrected.

Did it myself.


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  2. Sloppy rushed mechanics at a dealership are a bane. Almost lost a very nice car because one forgot to tighten the oil pan drain plug correctly. Luckily the drip (where there should not have been any) led me to check their work. Needless to say the stealership was mighty embarrassed and knows he dodged a bullet. Gave me a totally free oil change next visit. Sad we now have to check on all work done by others.
    Normally I do all my own service, except when a vehicle is under warranty. While under warranty dealer does everything for me that way a screw up is on their dime (they get sued for not being honorable, wot?).


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