29 August 2023

Under The Edge


No wind here yet, but this is the edge of the cloud band from Idalia.

It's presently projected to go North of my location and we're not expected to get much from it.

It'll be windy and rainy and we might lose power, but we're kinda ready for that.

PS: Thanks to all the off-topic comments wishing me luck for this storm!  Even if I did delete them for being off-topic!  I didn't really give you a place to make such wishes, so consider this post your chance!



  1. On topic for this one, so good luck over there, sir!

  2. You could send that one westward... Maybe we might get a sprinkle or two out of it... But anyway, hope it doesn't cause any major problems for you.

  3. good luck Angus...panzer guy


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