18 August 2023


The Lovely Harvey made a huge leap in progress shooting today.

She's been firing 6-9" to the left at 7 yards pretty consistently for a while.

It's been frustrating for her, to put it mildly.

Today I drew a picture of her sights and asked her if that was what she saw, emphasizing getting the front sight centered in the rear sight groove.

She looked down her sights and drew two blurry blobs for the rear sight and a gigantic white dot for the front.


So I had her take a shooting stance and looked at her eye-line.

She was looking right through the line where her bifocals took over.

Having done this myself a couple of times, I totally understood.

So she moved her head to put the reading part on the sights of the old Ruger Standard and suddenly she's shooting center!

We can fix this next time she gets glasses.  I know what to ask for.

We also changed out her grip panel on her M&P 2.0 9 Compact from the small to the large.  She'd been complaining that she couldn't feel her grip, and the larger panel gives her feedback.  This allowed her to loosen the death-grip a little and that improved her groups a ton.

Speaking of that 66 year old pistol...

I shot a thumb sized 9-round group with it today.  Harvey is jealous, but she hasn't been shooting regular for the past 35 years either.

I also did some drills with the Glock 45.  Harvey was about to ask me what was wrong when she saw I was doing Mozambique drills.  My groups open up a bit changing point of aim like that.  Still enough to get the task completed, but bigger than just focusing on one spot.

I can get faster and tighter, I am sure.

I'm not to the point of trying dot-torture, yet.


  1. there is a company that makes shooting glasses that swaps the bifocals...bottom to top and top to bottom...i can't remember the name but google should help...i have it book marked at work i think...i'll try to find it...panzer guy...

    1. Our optician knows what to do. My readers are one solution. The other is adding a second "reader" section to the top inside corner.

      It's nice to have an eye doc who's a shooter and has a son who's a mechanic.

    2. Doubting Thomas19 August, 2023 06:19

      Re Panzerguy's comment: The company is SSP Eyewear...Doubting Thomas

    3. You can get top Bi-focal safety glasses at amazon for about 20 bucks in the mean time

  2. I have the same issue pretty much ... without my glasses all I see is that colored front blurry dot... and that's normally not a real problem from 15 and and in but at 25 it's not so easy to point and shoot... panzer guy


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