16 August 2023

The More I See

The more bad Star Trek and botched Star Wars I see...

The more I want to cajole my local resources and get back to playing Traveller.

I can't really do worse.

Star Wars and Foundation have been very pretty, but not well made.

I REALLY can't do worse.


  1. You've been watching the Foundation series? Foundation has almost made me sign up for Apple TV since it started. Loved the books - read them 50 years ago and reread them maybe 30 years ago - and I like Lee Pace as an actor.

    Your six words are the closest to a review of the series I've seen. If you feel like doing an actual review, I'd like to see it for one. Especially if you can compare it to the books.

    1. Foundation is an extremely pretty realization of a story only tangentially related to the books.

      They do better that Starship Troopers did with regards to the source material, but... It's emphatically not the books.

  2. I'm cautiously hopeful that Ashoka is really "Rebels, season 5" given the characters and people running it... Hopefully? Some of the Mandalorian stuff was pretty good (just my opinion of course), some not so much... The Boba Fett thing was... Weird. First half seemed like it was written by people who had no idea what they were doing, but darn it, they WERE going to push a message... Second half was just the Mandalorian with Boba as a side character. "meh" at best...

    Have to admit I skipped a LOT like Foundation because I was concerned it would be like Starship Troopers... I liked the book(s) a lot, but...

    wish I had more time to watch things, but... Maybe it is for the best I do not?


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