20 August 2023

Rain Of Frogs Coming

 California got an earthquake as the storm arrived.

Just a 5.1, but damn!

This is starting to read like The Bible.

Yul Brenner could not be reached for comment.


  1. Yeah, it's sounding Biblical.. And things Have been rough. So, everyone needs to just close their eyes and take a deep breath and imagine the tsunami created by California falling into the Pacific,,
    Now, don't ya Feel better? I sure do..

  2. "So Let It Be Written - So Let It Be Done !!"

  3. Durn it - forgot to sign jrg. Mt apologies.

  4. In Heinlein's writings, he repeatedly referred to the destruction of Pompeii, and how foolish the Romans were to build towns so close to Vesuvius. He apparently didn't know that before 79 AD, Vesuvius hadn't erupted in something like 1500 years. He also never thought of the foolishness of moderns, who DO know about faults, volcanoes and like that, building huge cities in places like Portland, San Fransicko and Southern California. Not to mention continuing to inhabit Naples, which is in easy range of Vesuvius if Vesuvius really goes up again.

  5. It seems like the only things,that haven't hit California yet are a tornado and a swarm of locusts, although one can make case that San Francisco and LA have a metaphorical plague of locusts.


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